19th Premio Cairo

16 - 21 October 2018 Palazzo Reale, Milan

On 15 October in Milan, in the prestigious halls of the Palazzo Reale, the award ceremony for the 19th Premio Cairo was held, organised by the editorial staff of Cairo Editore's monthly magazine Art.


Selected artists

Selected artists:
Giuseppe Abate, Paolo Amico, Romina Bassu, Thomas Berra, Paolo Brambilla, Alessandro Calabrese, Gabriella Ciancimino, Valentina Colella, Fabrizio Cotognini, Matteo Fato, Daniele Franzella, Oscar Giaconia, Sophie Ko, Christian Leperino, Iva Lulashi, Carlo Miele, Isabella Nazzarri, Edoardo Piermattei, Nazzarena Poli Maramotti, Giorgio Tentolini.

The Jury

Declaring the victory of Fabrizio Cotognini's work, chosen from among the 20 artists under 40 selected by the editorial staff of Arte, was the prestigious jury of the 2018 Cairo Prize chaired by Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, President of the Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Foundation of Turin, and composed of: Luca Massimo Barbero, Director of the Institute of Art History at the Cini Foundation in Venice; Mariolina Bassetti, President of Christie's Italia; Bruno Corà, art historian and critic, President of the Palazzo Albizzini-Collezione Burri Foundation in Città di Castello; Gianfranco Maraniello, Director of the MART in Rovereto; Mimmo Paladino International artist and protagonist of the Italian Transavanguardia.

The winner

Fabrizio Cotognini wins the 19th Cairo Prize with the work Aurora, 2018, pencils, ink, white lead, mylar and 24k gold, on original 18th century engravings, cm 70x100x12 each, and artist's book, cm 25x190.
Born in 1983 in Macerata. Lives and works in Civitanova Marche (MC).
Exhibitions include:
2018 Evidence, a new state of art, National gallery, Tbilisi (Georgia).
2017 Disio. Nostalgia del futuro, Italian Cultural Institute, Caracas (Venezuela).