Francesco Candeloro
The artist focuses his research and artistic practice on light and color, space and time, form and sign, proportion, rhythm and movement, eye and gaze on people and places, transparency, reflection, layering, multiplicity and co-presence of levels. In his many travels, his work is a continuous search for multiple and multiplied visions, to be able to return and manifest the inner and authentic essence of the continuous flow of reality.
He participated to the 15th Premio Cairo, in 2014.

Una vista parziale della mostra "Segni di Luce" presso A arte Invernizzi, Milano, 2015

Due interventi negli spazi del Museo Civico di Bassano del Grappa. “Occhi del Tempo & Templi di Luce”, 2019

Linee del Tempo, Installation view at MANN Museo Archeologico Nazionale Napoli, 2017, Photo Lorenzo Ceretta