Agostino Arrivabene
His art is cultured, seductive, steeped in symbols, inspired both by classical mythology and the Masters of the 15th-16th centuries (Leonardo, Dürer, Bosch) and in the more recent past by Moreau, Redon, Ernst. Whoever looks at, observes, Arrivabene's works, inundated by the vortex of veiled messages, participates (perhaps unconsciously) in an initiatory journey that leads to the revelation of a knowledge of which the artist is the generator and dispenser. A modern alchemist, capable of bringing to life experiences of a mystical nature that transcend the cognitive limits of the viewer, the conscious and the unconscious, a continuous exploration of our "intimate universe" among archas of lives already lived or wished for.
He participated to the 5th Premio Cairo, in 2004.

Ematofaga (Elisabeth Bathory), 2014, olio su legno, cm 50 x 40