9th Premio Cairo
In 2008, a committee of ten leading figures from the world of Italian culture was involved for the first time. Ten critics, journalists and curators each nominated three young artists under the age of forty. From these, the editorial board selected the twenty finalists who participated in the major exhibition that was held at the Palazzo della Permanente in Milan from 24 October to 2 November.
Selected artists
Selected artists:
010010110101101.Org, Mirko Baricchi, Manfredi Beninati, Pierluigi Calignano, Alice Cattaneo, Danilo Correale, Alice Grassi, Isola&Norzi, Filippo La Vaccara. Paolo Leonardo. Domenico Mangano, Dacia Manto, Matteo Montani, Margherita Morgantin, Simone Pellegrini, Federico Pietrella, Giuseppe Pietroniro, Moira Ricci, Nicola Samorì, Sissi
The Jury
The Jury is composed by:
Fabio Cavallucci (direttore della Galleria Civica di Trento), Daniela Clerici (direttore di Arte), Gianfranco Maraniello (direttore di MAMbo Museo d'Arte Moderna di Bologna), Marco Pierini (direttore del Centro d'Arte Contemporanea Santa Maria della Scala di Siena), Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo (presidente Fondazione Sandretto di Torino) e Stefano Zecchi (scrittore e professore di estetica).
The winner
On 23 October, during the exhibition opening, a jury of experts elected the winner: Alice Cattaneo, 32, from Milan.
Alice Cattaneo
video, 2'00"
Award-winning work
Precariousness is the hallmark of Alice Cattaneo, from Milan, 32, which in her case, unlike other artists who espouse this language, becomes programmatic. With a stubborn tension toward the unknown of objects that barely stand, Cattaneo dismantles the constructive principle of installation. The same sign of uncertainty assaults the semantic morphology of his videos, populated as they are by misunderstandings, visual short-circuits, alterations of meaning. Until all that remains is a dangerously intransitive image, despite the many movements that have accompanied it. Adriana Polveroni
Award citation
the jury awards Alice Cattaneo: "for her ability to transform, with a rapid and instantaneous reworking, seemingly trivial micro-events into stories of extraordinary poetry, veined with humor for the effective direction of a filmic or scenic space whose protagonists are simple and everyday materials."