5th Premio Cairo

12 -21 November 2004 Palazzo della Permanente, Milan

The editorial team selected 50 participants and the readers of Arte chose the twenty finalists from among them. There are 40 works on show.


Selected artists

Guests: Chiara Albertoni, Agostino Arrivabene, Alessandro Busci, Stefano Cagol, Andrea Chiesi, Roberto Coda Zabetta, Davide Coltro, Paolo Fiorentino, Marco Grassi, Vittorio Gui, Ali Hassoun, Giovanni Iudice, Sarah Ledda, Daniela Montanari, Roberto Morone, Fabrizio Musa, Alex Pinna, Filippo Robboni, Elisa Rossi, Luigi Russo

The Jury

The Jury is composed by: Daniela Clerici, Rosellina Archinto, Fabio Cavallucci, Massimiliano Gioni, Marco Pierini, Ludovico Pratesi, Carlo Fini Testoni, Stefano Zecchi.

The winner

Andrea Chiesi